Article 9 of the constitution states that the Japanese people forever renounce war as a sovereign right of the nation and the threat or use of force as a means of settling international disputes. 日本宪法第九条声明:日本国民衷心谋求基于正义与秩序的国际和平,永远放弃以国家权力发动的战争、使用武力或武力威胁作为解决国际争端的手段。
Renounce a claim, title, right, privilege. 宣布放弃要求、头衔、权利、特权。
Staff would renounce the right to statutory redundancy payments, as well as the ability to request flexible working or time to train. 员工将因此放弃获得法定遣散费的权利,以及要求弹性工作制或者培训机会的权利。
In particular, they insisted that they would never renounce their right to resist Israel by military means. 他们特别坚持他们永远都不会宣布放弃武力对抗以色列的权利。